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The Last Ringbearer (Russian: Последний кольценосец) is a 1999 fantasy book by Russian author Kirill Eskov.It is an alternative account of, and an informal sequel to, the events of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.

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James Kirchick is a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution and author of “The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age.” Last week, the Russian government-funded cable network RT announced that its American arm had been asked by the Justice Department to register under

Apostrophes on the march Kazakhstan wants Kazakh written in Latin, not Cyrillic script. But it’s going to take a lot of diacritical marks

A report from a group called PropOrNot has accused hundreds of Web sites of spreading Russian propaganda. But its methodology is a mess.

The Russian Primary Chronicle: The Russian Primary Chronicle, medieval Kievan Rus historical work that gives a detailed account of the early history of the eastern Slavs to the second decade of the 12th century.

A small press specializing in world literature and poetry in English and translation from Russian, East/Central European languages, Korean, and Chinese.

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Important Announcement: (March 8, 2018) . Since its appearance, this article has caused an uproar. It has been republished dozens of times in both English and Russian, gotten over 350,000 views, and several articles have been written about it, both criticizing and supporting it, in roughly equal measure.

Russian literature: Russian literature, the body of written works produced in the Russian language, beginning with the Christianization of Kievan Rus in …

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A summary of the war on the Eastern Front during World War One. Including maps and photos.

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The Russian financial crisis (also called Ruble crisis or the Russian Flu) hit Russia on 17 August 1998. It resulted in the Russian government and the Russian Central Bank devaluing the ruble and defaulting on its debt.

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