Museum Of Russian

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In-depth guide to the collections and buildings of the State Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg. Explore the treasury of historic Russian art at St Petersburg’s State Russian Museum.

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HISTORY. In the 1960’s, plastics engineer Gordon B. Lankton went to work at Nypro, an international injection molded plastics company, in Clinton, Massachusetts and eventually became president.

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Museum Of Russian 5

Please note: The Museum will close at 4pm on Sunday, May 6 for a private member event. WELCOME! The Museum of Russian Icons inspires the appreciation and study of Russian culture by collecting and exhibiting one of the world’s largest collections of Russian icons — sacred paintings used for veneration in the Orthodox tradition.

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The State Russian Museum (Russian: Государственный Русский музей), formerly the Russian Museum of His Imperial Majesty Alexander III (Russian: Русский Музей Императора Александра III) is the largest depository of Russian fine art …

EVENTS Closing of spring exhibition in MORA. Spring Ehxibition Closing Reception May 19th 6-9 PM at MORA

The Russian Ethnography Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia has a unique exhibit of Russian ethnography. Learn more about the many exhibits of the museum in St Petersburg, Russia

Explore Russian art, music and culture through exhibitions and live events. The only of its kind in the U.S., this museum is a unique treat.

Detailed information about any Russian museum. The official list of russian museums based on museum survey. Information daily renewed, more than 3000 museums listed.

Website of the Russian Arctic Convoy Museum, set up to remember the veterans of the Second World War Arctic convoys 1941-45.

Photos and information about aircraft at the Russian Federation Air Force Museum at Monino, Russia – Russia’s premier aircraft museum

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