Is True Then Russian Philosophy

Russian Philosophy. This article provides a historical survey of Russian philosophers and thinkers. It emphasizes Russian epistemological concerns rather than ontological and ethical concerns, hopefully without neglecting or disparaging them.

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No true Scotsman or appeal to purity is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect a universal generalization from counterexamples by changing the definition in an ad hoc fashion to exclude the counterexample.

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“Objectivity” is an aspect of philosophy that originated in the early nineteenth century. Gottlob Frege was the first to apply it, when he expounded an epistemological and metaphysical theory contrary to that of Immanuel Kant.

Bandwagon. If you suggest that someone’s claim is correct simply because it’s what most everyone is coming to believe, then you’re are using the Bandwagon Fallacy.

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Do you know the difference between proverbs, sayings, maxims, adages, and cliche? I will teach you!

A CONCISE FORMULATION: Two opposing tendencies are peculiar to Russian philosophy: one asserts the primacy of generalization and unification as tools for religious and historical transformation of reality and leads to ideocracy and totalitarianism; another defends the unsurpassable value of individuality and reveals the relativity and …

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Logic, from Classical Greek λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word, but also referring to speech or reason is the science that evaluates reasoning within arguments.

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Philosophy: A simple solution to the problems of philosophy. On truth, reality and love of wisdom. Famous philosopher’s quotes on the …

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On truth from reality – a discussion of the philosophy / metaphysics of Plato and the importance of philosophy to humanity. Collection of Plato quotes (The Republic), pictures and biography of the ancient Greek Philosopher.

The Assassin’s Creed, often referred to as the Creed, was the code and guiding philosophy of the Assassin Order upheld from the …