Including Russian

Jan 09, 2017 · Russia’s richest men, some of whom have close ties to President Vladimir Putin, have gained billions since the election of Donald Trump, thanks to the rising value of Russian stocks and currency.

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The U.S. US releases list including names of Russian oligarchs but declines to implement new sanctions

The Trump administration hit Russian officials with a new set of sanctions on Friday, in an effort to punish Moscow for its interference in the 2016 presidential election and its aggression on the international stage. On the list are some of Russia’s wealthiest and most influential figures, some

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FBI informant gathered years of evidence on Russian push for US nuclear fuel deals, including Uranium One, memos show

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Oct 02, 2017 · Facebook says it will give Congress copies of 3,000 Russian-bought political ads on Monday, giving lawmakers a clearer picture into how a pro-Kremlin troll farm used social media to meddle in American politics.

Russian tourist visa is best when you know exactly where and how long you will be staying in Russia and you plan to stay in Russia less then 30 days.

Welcome to Russia. The Russian character has been formed over centuries and traditions persist despite 70 years of communism. America and Russia Similarities

Russian Music and Dance – Nearby Regions and Former USSR States

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Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption, Including Neighboring Countries. Providing Hope, Help and Community for Adoptive Families – Eastern Europe/Central Asia and more

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The Beslan college siege (also referred to as the Beslan college hostage crisis or Beslan massacre) started on 1 September 2004, lasted three days, involved the imprisonment of over 1,100 people as hostages (including 777 ren), and ended with the deaths of at least 334 people.

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