Vintage Tv Ad

Vintage Tv Ad 117

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Vintage Tv Ad 80

My collection of vintage Television sets. Erics Vintage Television Sets. Television Index. 48 Admiral; 56 Admiral; 56 Admiral #2

Vintage art ads offer a fascinating glimpse of history and represent the archival documents of our consumer driven society. If you own a vintage or show vehicle, an original print advertisement is the finishing touch to your investment.

Vintage Tv Ad 63 has spent the last 15 years compiling a comprehensive collection of vintage magazine ads from all over North America and Europe. Only a small fraction of our collection has been listed online, we currently count over 1,000,000 vintage ads …

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Welcome to tellyAds, the UK’s largest free library of TV adverts and a hub for all things TV advertising production. We’re constantly collecting the latest – as well as vintage – TV advertising campaigns to satiate your appetite, and what an appetite you have!

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links for; tube testers; antique TV; antique radios; antique color television; antique radio; vintage radios; antique televisions

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Aah yes, remember those glorious days when the television was invented and we stopped having to look at and talk to our families while we ate.Neither do we. As far we know it’s always been that way.Give thanks to the boob tube for giving food companies a …

Vintage ads are shown here in fair use context. Every gallery’s images are © by their original company or artist. This site does not endorse any advertisement.

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Vintage Tv Ad 92

On this page I will be displaying various types of vintage test equipment I have acquired over the years, some pieces will be common but interesting others not so common.

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Vintage ads are shown here in fair use context. Every gallery’s images are © by their original company or artist. This site does not endorse any advertisement.