Swelling In Legs And Feet Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure – the best drugs for heart diseases.

Whether the swelling is slight or your feet feel like balloons, something’s off—and anything from changes in your weight to hormone weirdness to a serious condition like heart disease could be to blame.

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Typically the lungs are the first organs affected as the blood vessels that empty from the lungs into the heart become overloaded. As CHF progresses, retained fluid causes swelling in the feet and legs.

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If you have heart failure, your legs and feet may swell. Swelling often occurs because your heart cannot pump the blood around your body effectively, so the blood backs up in your body; causing the swelling.

What is End Stage Congestive Heart Failure? Find out what end stage congestive heart failure means.

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Heart failure (or congestive heart failure) occurs when there’s a reduction in blood flow to the body and a backup of blood into the lungs, liver, abdomen, and lower extremities.

Signs Of Congestive Heart Failure: Symptoms In Elderly, Edema, Fluid-Build Up, Coughing, Heart Palpitations, Swelling Of Legs, Feet, Ankles

6 16 Symptoms 17 Chronic Heart Failure Signs/Symptoms Shortness of breath (SOB) (dyspnea) on exertion or lying down Fatigue, weakness Swollen feet, ankles, legs,

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Congestive heart failure is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the heart is unable to efficiently pump adequate levels of blood and

When symptoms suggest congestive heart failure, the diagnosis usually is confirmed by physical examination, patient history, and various tests to detect abnormal function of the left ventricle and/or heart valves.