Corpora Cavernosa Penis

cor·po·ra (kôr′pər-ə) n. Plural of corpus. corpora (ˈkɔːpərə) n 1. (Anatomy) the plural of corpus 2. (Banking & Finance) the plural of corpus 3. (Linguistics) the

Penis: Penis,, the copulatory organ of the male of higher vertebrates that in mammals usually also provides the channel by which urine leaves the body. The corresponding structure in lower invertebrates is often called the cirrus.

An erection occurs when two tubular structures, called the corpora cavernosa, that run the length of the penis, become engorged with venous blood.This may result from any of various physiological stimuli, also known as sexual stimulation and sexual arousal.

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Your penis is made up of three main veins or chambers. The two larger chambers run along the top of the penis and are called the Corpora Cavernosa.

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The penis is the male external excretory and sex organ. The penis contains the external opening of the urethra, which is used for urination and to deliver semen into the vagina of a female sexual partner.

The penis is composed of three cylinders encased in a sheath called the bucks fascia. These three cylinders are the corpus spongiosum and two corpora cavernosa known as the corpus cavernosum of penis.

PENILE ANATOMY (Highlighted entry-words link to a single picture.) adhesion. False diagnosis of normal union between neonatal foreskin and glans as pathological. “Cured” by circumcision, as sleep in the eyes would be cured by beheading.

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Corpora of the Penis. The penis is composed of two corpora cavernosa and one unpaired corpus spongiosum. The corpora contain oddly shaped cavities, which are lined with endothelium.

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Back to the Intactivism index page. PENILE ANATOMY (Highlighted entry-words link to a single picture.). acroposthion (Gk akro = peak, posthe = foreskin) “The visually defining, tapered, fleshy, nipple-like portion of the foreskin that advances beyond the terminus [tip] of the underlying glans penis.