Ass Hip Hop

Bay Area Hip Hop Dictionary is dedicated to hip hop music and culture from the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Report 03:00 Holly wants to be a hip-hop ho, but these OGs need to know for sure that this bitch and her bangin ass has what it takes to hang with them!

Cosmo Baker, DJ Ayres, and DJ Eleven of The Rub present their history of hip-hop series on! Beginning in 1979, the Reagan decade is counted down with each years pop hits, underground club classics, and obscure gems.

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WorldstarHipHop is home to everything entertainment & hip hop. The #1 urban outlet responsible for breaking the latest urban news!

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Ass Hip Hop 82

‘Love & Hip Hop’ star Teairra Mari allegedly took a metal pole to her manfriend’s car windows after accusing him of revenge porn the day before TMZ has learned. Teairra’s BF, Akbar Abdul-Ahad, tells us he was working out at his apartment’s gym in North Hollywood Thursday when he got a call from security that a woman was smashing his …

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