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Cartoon Network Australia and New Zealand is an Australian cable and satellite television channel created by Turner Broadcasting, a unit of Time Warner which primarily shows animated programming, It was launched on 3 October 1995.

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Censorship in Australia is called classification and material, though technically being given an advisory rating, can officially be Refused Classification which results in the material being banned.

Welcome to the world famous Saints & Sinners Ball ® Australia’s premier adult event.. For Australian swingers and those who are just curious. B. Saints & Sinners Ball is an erotic party held in Melbourne, where like-minded couples and females party, dance and play in a ‘no holds barred’ extravaganza of adult fun mixed with erotic

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“I was really entertaining the idea of coming back into the business for the whole year of 2017. And traveling, especially Australia, one of my favorite places to do trade shows and meet my fans, really reminded me of what I bring into people’s lives.

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Miss Firm Australia is one of the largest competitions of its kind held in Australia with over $11,500 in gifts and prizes.